Tuesday, April 9, 2024

TremorGuard - Discreet and non-invasive system to help you move the way you move to move


We offer a system that helps users battle the adverse effects of movement disorders.

The Problem we Solve

Movement disorders can be debilitating, humiliating, and deadly. Current treatment options include medications with nasty side effects, risky surgeries with inconsistent results, and bulky medical equipment that screams to everyone in the room “Hey look at me, I am disabled!”  

Our Solution

We offer a discreet, non-invasive system to help users offset the adverse effects of disorders, disease, and aging on movement. Our system offers users a way to take back control of their movement and make incremental improvements towards the results they desire at their own pace.

We offer three categories of assistance. 
  • Detection - identify and notify user of muscle weakness and involuntary movements in real time to prevent accidents and embarrassing situations 
  • Strengthen - activities that strengthen the mind, body, and spirit, 
  • Protection- deploy technologies to combat movement challenges as they occur, including vibration, nerve stimulation, audio/visual cues, fall guards, exoskeletons, etc. 

Market Potential

It is estimated that 42 million people suffer from some form of movement disorder in the U.S. These include the following challengers. 
  • Parkinson's disease 
  • Tremor
  • Dystonia
  • Dyskinesia
  • Freezing Gait
  • Huntington's Disease  
  • Restless leg syndrome
  • Ataxia Myoclonus
  • Tourette’s syndrome and tics


  • Ren Carlton, advisor, entrepreneur and investor
  • Ron Cocquyt, advisor, entrepreneur and healthcare inventor with an exit
  • Sandra Defilippi, RN, advisor, entrepreneur and investor
  • Dr. Jack Kartush, advisor, entrepreneur, surgeon, and healthcare inventor with an exit 
  • Dr. Chris Orow, advisor, entrepreneur and doctor of physical therapy 
  • Brad Slomka, advisor and entrepreneur
  • Ashton Stoop, advisor, biomedical engineer, entrepreneur, and healthcare inventor with an exit 

What’s Next?

Build our founding team to accelerate progress, contact us for more information Info@OmegaSeedFund.com

Continue evaluating existing technologies that we may include in our system, please contact us if you have a technology you want us to consider OmegaSeedFund.com

Launch version 1.0 of our MVP to star building our tribe and brand awareness, email Invest@OmegaSeedFund.com to learn how you can support our efforts

 Join Our Fight Today!

We are looking for advisors, active/passive investors, and businesses interested in joining our fight against movement disorders please email us for more information, Info@OmegaSeedFund.com

Would you like to invest time or money into business startups pursuing extraordinarily high returns, Invest@OmegaSeedFund.com

Need funding? Email us information about your business, Funding@OmegaSeedFund.com

Message Opportunities@OmegaSeedFund.com if you are interested in promoting your business to our audience and portfolio companies, 30,000+ and growing…

Sources and AI Assistance


www.healimedical.com, @healimedical


Disclaimer: This is only for entertainment, informational, and discussion purposes. This does not constitute an offer to sell, a solicitation of an offer to buy, or a recommendation of any security or any other product or service. We are not offering any legal, investment, tax, or medical advice. 

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever
Hebrews 13:8

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Chasing Alpha in a World Full of Betas


Strategy for Angel Investors in Early-Stage Startups

As an angel investor I am constantly on the lookout for those breakout companies that deliver 10X + returns. This pursuit is known as chasing alpha

 Chasing Alpha = High Risk and High Rewards 

Chasing alpha can be an adrenaline-fueled thrill ride, but it's crucial to understand both the potential rewards and the inherent risks involved. Alpha can lead to significant gains. Early-stage startups, by their very nature, have the potential for explosive growth. A well-timed investment in a company that disrupts its industry can translate to a windfall for you. Beyond the financial rewards, chasing alpha can be incredibly stimulating.  You get in on the ground floor of cutting-edge ideas, fostering innovation and shaping the future.  

The path of alpha is not without danger. Early-stage startups are inherently risky. Many fail, and even successful ones can take years or even decades to mature.  Unlike established companies with a proven track record, you're essentially placing a bet on an idea and a team.  In addition, liquidity can be scarce in the early stages.  

 Tips for Chasing Alpha

  • Diversify - Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Spread your investments across multiple startups to mitigate risk. Focus on different industries and business models to balance your portfolio.
  • Invest What You Can Afford to Lose - Early-stage investments are inherently volatile. Only invest capital you can comfortably lose without impacting your financial stability.
  • Do Your Homework - Conduct thorough due diligence on the startups you consider.  Analyze the market opportunity, the team's capabilities, and the competitive landscape. 
  • Become an Active Investor - Don't be a passive bystander.  Offer guidance and mentorship to your portfolio companies.  Become a part of their support system and help them navigate the challenges of early-stage growth.

 Are You Ready to Chase Alpha?

We are looking for sales professionals and angel investors interested in earning ridiculously high commissions while supporting some of the hottest startups in the universe! Email your resume to learn more, Opportunities@OmegaSeedFund.com

Would you like to invest time or money into business startups, Info@OmegaSeedFund.comm

Need funding? Email us information about your business, Funding@OmegaSeedFund.com

Message Opportunities@OmegaSeedFund.com if you are interested in promoting your business to our audience and portfolio companies, 30,000+ and growing…

Sources and AI Assistance


Disclaimer: This is only for entertainment, informational, and discussion purposes. This does not constitute an offer to sell, a solicitation of an offer to buy, or a recommendation of any security or any other product or service. We are not offering any legal, investment, tax, or medical advice. 

Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.
Hebrews 12:14

Monday, March 25, 2024

$100 Million Man - Amazon Guru Gav Kwok - $0 to $1 Million+ in 5 Months! Amazon Sales Consulting - Omega Equity Exchange Program



Amazon Sales Consulting - Omega Equity Exchange Program

Launch and run a successful Amazon business! Omega companies can now pitch Gav Kwok for funding and Amazon Sales Consulting services. These services may include any of the following items.

E-commerce Business Growth
1. Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) strategy 
2. Building and scaling an Amazon business 
3. E-commerce business growth  

Amazon Optimization 
4. Product sourcing and selection 
5. Amazon product listing optimization 
6. Amazon advertising and PPC management  

FBA and Inventory Management
7. Inventory management and fulfillment 
8. E-commerce business analytics and reporting  
9. And more!

 $100 Million Man Gav Kwok - $0 to $1 Million+ in 5 Months! 

Gav Kwok is an Amazon E-commerce success story, from his website.

One day I happened to stumble across the Amazon platform on YouTube, I paid for a mentor… and with 5K in my bank account.. I quit my 3 jobs, stopped going to class and I built a Amazon business from $0-7 Figures working 16hrs/day in 5 months during my last year of college.  I don't tell this story to brag but to show that I'm not anyone special and that anyone can do this business model no matter what background you come from. I was just a broke college student who had no prospects, living in a shitty $350/month apartment at the time.  After going through all the different online business models, drop-shipping, private label, white label, SMMA, Forex, Crypto, Stock trading etc.. I finally figured out the best way to make money online and that was through Wholesale FBA.  Wholesale FBA is a huge opportunity for those like you and me who had always dreamt of owning their own online business, getting away from the 9-5 life, and having the freedom to do what you want, when you want, with who you want. 

He is now approaching $100 million in revenue!

Pitch Gav Today!

Are you interested in working with Gav or some of our other resources? Email us information about your business, Funding@OmegaSeedFund.com

Omega Equity Exchange Program

We offer our portfolio companies a way to leverage their equity to access a diverse array of products and services from other businesses within our collective. Exchange products and services for equity in your business. Click here to learn more!

Get in on the Action!

Need funding? Email us information about your business, Funding@OmegaSeedFund.com

Message Opportunities@OmegaSeedFund.com if you are interested in promoting your business to our audience and portfolio companies.

Would you like to invest time or money into business startups, Info@OmegaSeedFund.com

Sources and AI Assistance



Disclaimer: This is only for entertainment, informational, and discussion purposes. This does not constitute an offer to sell, a solicitation of an offer to buy, or a recommendation of any security or any other product or service. We are not offering any legal, investment, tax, or medical advice. 

I will put My laws in their mind and write them on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. None of them shall teach his neighbor, and none his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ for all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them. For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more. 
Hebrews 10:12

Friday, March 15, 2024

Fractional CFO and CPA Services - Omega Equity Exchange Program - Potential Benefit for Omega Portfolio Companies


Fractional CFO and CPA Services - Omega Equity Exchange Program

Our portfolio companies can now pitch for fractional CFO and CPA services! Services include anything from the following list. 

Company Formation 
-Apply for Federal EIN and if needed state Business Permit 
-Entity Selection Facilitation 
-IRS Forms 8332 and Form 2553 if necessary 

Financial Reporting 
-Building Financial Reporting on Xero 
-Facilitate access to banking for reconciliations 

-Facilitate discussion about employee vs independent contractor 
-When Payroll Services needed, apply for state withholding permit and unemployment permit Wealth 
-Design retirement plan for owner(s) and employee to facilitate retention 
-Meeting with owner to develop Personal Financial Statement and determine financial goals 

Board of Directors 
-Serve on the BoD 
-Serve as Financial Consultant and operational Consultant 

Accounting and Tax
-Tax planning  
-Tax prep Quarterly 
-Financial statements  
-Budgeting and forecasts 
-Use of funds 
-Cap table creation and management

Message Opportunities@OmegaSeedFund.com if you are interested in promoting your product or service to our audience through our partner program

Green CPA, PLLC - Fractional CFO and CPA Services 

Green CPA has over 30 years experience in all aspects of your financial needs.  From accounting-based work in financial reporting, payroll, accounts payable, etc. to compliance services such as tax returns, payroll taxes and sales taxes.  Green CPA also provides CFO Advisory Services and will become your non-equity partner to grow your business.  Todd Green, CPA also offers wealth management services through Avantax Advisory Services, Inc. to ensure you and your employees are looking towards future goals.

Omega Equity Exchange Program

We offer our portfolio companies a way to leverage their equity to access a diverse array of products and services from other businesses within our collective. Exchange products and services for equity in your business. Click here to learn more!

Want More? Get In on the Action!

Are you interested in finding funding or exchanging equity in your business for services or products? Email us Funding@OmegaSeedFund.com

Message Opportunities@OmegaSeedFund.com if you are interested in promoting your business to our audience and portfolio companies.

Would you like to invest time or money into business startups, Info@OmegaSeedFund.com

Disclaimer: This is only for entertainment, informational, and discussion purposes. This does not constitute an offer to sell, a solicitation of an offer to buy, or a recommendation of any security or any other product or service. We are not offering any legal, investment, tax, or medical advice. 

Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4:16 

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Omega Equity Exchange Program

In these times when startups often struggle to raise capital, we proudly unveil our groundbreaking program which unlocks resources for early-stage businesses to help them until they find the funding they need.

Omega Equity Exchange Program

We now offer our portfolio companies a way to leverage their equity to access a diverse array of products and services from other businesses within our collective. Exchange products and services for equity in your business. Value flows freely, fostering innovation, growth, and mutual success. We offer this in situations where traditional monetary transactions are not realistic. This approach not only fosters collaboration but also aligns the interests of participating companies, driving long-term value creation.  

How it Works

Imagine Company A, a high-potential tech startup with innovative software but limited resources, needs marketing and brand development. Meanwhile, Company B, a seasoned marketing agency, possesses a wealth of expertise and resources in these areas and has excess capacity. Through this program, we help Company A and Company B find common ground. Company A offers a portion of its equity to Company B in exchange for marketing services. Company A gets the services they need, while Company B utilizes their excess capacity to build their investment portfolio and strengthens their balance sheet. It’s a win-win!

Offers Include

And more!

Get in on the Action!

Are you interested in finding funding or exchanging equity in your business for services or products? Email us Funding@OmegaSeedFund.com

Message Opportunities@OmegaSeedFund.com if you are interested in trading your products or services for equity in our portfolio of companies.

Would you like to invest time or money into business startups, Info@OmegaSeedFund.com

Disclaimer: This is only for entertainment, informational, and discussion purposes. This does not constitute an offer to sell, a solicitation of an offer to buy, or a recommendation of any security or any other product or service. We are not offering any legal, investment, tax, or medical advice. 

And we know that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28

Monday, September 11, 2023

Omega Legacy Accelerator Launches the Miami Venture Capital Fund, Compete for Offers and Market to Over 30,000 Entrepreneurs, Investors, Lenders, Executives, and Physicians

Miami Venture Capital Fund is now accepting applications for the Omega Legacy Accelerator!

Omega Legacy Accelerator

Omega Legacy Accelerator helps founders grow their businesses and attract funding. We market them to our growing network of over 30,000 entrepreneurs, investors, lenders, executives, and physicians. They also receive coaching while competing for offers during the Omega Legacy pitch competitions. -Founders pitch their ideas -Our audience and network choose their favorites -Our winner receives offers Omega Legacy Accelerator is more than just pitch competitions. We are building a community designed for investors to make a real, tangible impact with some of the most innovative and driven entrepreneurs in the world. They have already proven themselves by passing our initial screening, and are ready to take their businesses to the next level.

Why Omega Legacy Accelerator?

Market your business to our growing network of over 30,000 entrepreneurs, investors, lenders, executives, and physicians.

Compete for offers in the Omega Legacy Pitch Competition.

Learn how to maximize your valuation and effectively pitch to potential funding sources.

How it Works 

Step 1 - Pitch us your idea via email or in-person.

Step 2 - If we like it, you will be invited to join Omega Legacy Accelerator

Step 3 - Create your pitch video.

Step 4 - Compete for offers. Your opportunity will remain available to our growing network of over 30,000 entrepreneurs, investors, executives, and physicians while you are active in Omega Legacy Accelerator.

Applying is Easy

Applying to Omega Legacy Accelerator is easy. Email your business idea and elevator pitch to Funding@MiamiVentureCapitalFund.com. Make sure the subject of your email is COMPANY NAME - Omega Legacy Accelerator. 

Additional Information

Are you looking for funding for an idea or business, send us your stuff and we will take a look, Funding@MiamiVentureCapitalFund.com

Are you interested in investing time or money into any of our businesses, info@MiamiVentureCapitalFund.com

Are you interested in promoting your business and supporting our founders, contact Opportunities@MiamiVentureCapitalFund.com

Disclaimer: This is only for informational and discussion purposes. This does not constitute an offer to sell, a solicitation of an offer to buy, or a recommendation of any security or any other product or service. We are not offering any legal, investment, tax, or medical advice. 

The moment a person turns from his sin and trusts in Jesus to be forgiven of his sin, he is saved, Acts 2:37-41

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Omega Legacy Accelerator Launching in Pittsburgh

Have you dreamed of pitching your idea on the TV Show Shark Tank? Maybe you fantasized about being one of the sharks. Well now you can be either and you don’t need Mark Cuban money or millions of Scrub Daddies in production to do it.   

Omega Legacy Accelerator

The Omega Legacy Accelerator is where we bring founders together to compete for offers, while  promoting them to our growing network of over 30,000 entrepreneurs, investors, executives, and physicians.


Omega Legacy Accelerator is more than just video-based pitch competitions. We are building a community designed for investors to make a real, tangible impact with some of the most innovative and driven entrepreneurs in the world. They have already proven themselves by passing our initial screening, and are ready to take their businesses to the next level.

About Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh is a city in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the county seat of Allegheny County. It is the most populous city in both Allegheny County and Western Pennsylvania, the second-most populous city in Pennsylvania after Philadelphia, and the 68th-largest city in the U.S. with a population of 302,971 as of the 2020 census. The city anchors the Greater Pittsburgh metropolitan area of Western Pennsylvania; its population of 2.37 million is the largest in both the Ohio Valley and Appalachia, the second-largest in Pennsylvania, and the 27th-largest in the U.S. It is the principal city of the greater Pittsburgh–New Castle–Weirton combined statistical area that extends into Ohio and West Virginia.

Highlights include

-Pittsburgh's high-tech talent pool 
-The self-driving car was born at Carnegie Mellon University
-Google has a large campus in Pittsburgh.
-UPMC Enterprises, the venture arm of a $16 billion integrated non-profit
-Self-driving Ubers are an everyday part of life in Pittsburgh.
-Pittsburgh has a history of successful founders, including George Westinghouse, H.J. Heinz, and Andrew Carnegie brought the Bessemer Convertor to Pittsburgh from England and began making steel rails."
-Pittsburgh's 100-year reign as the steel capital of the world 
-AlphaLab and AlphaLab Gear accelerators now serve as a hub for the region's thriving entrepreneurial community
-The RustBuilt startup community, pgh.rustbuilt.org

How You Can Participate 

Are you interested in competing for offers in the Omega Legacy Accelerator? Sending us your pitch, Funding@OmegaSeedFund.com. Please include your name and "Pittsburgh Launch" in the subject line so you are entered into our system properly. 

Message Opportunities@OmegaSeedFund.com if you are interested in supporting our founders and promoting your product or service to our audience through our strategic partners program

Are you interested in investing time or money into business startups, Info@OmegaSeedFund.com




Photo by Federated Art

Disclaimer: This is only for entertainment, informational, and discussion purposes. This does not constitute an offer to sell, a solicitation of an offer to buy, or a recommendation of any security or any other product or service. We are not offering any legal, investment, tax, or medical advice. 

Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom, Luke 12:32