Ideas will be accepted via email or direct messaging until 3 PM on Monday, March 2, 2020, Eastern Standard Time. Email your ideas to info@omegaaccelerator.com or direct message Ren Carlton on social media.
If two people submit the same idea, the first person that messaged me their idea wins.
Send your ideas early and often, enter as many times as you wish.
What is a Tagline?
A Tagline describe the company in 50 characters or lessSimple English, no marketing jargon. It should provide a compelling sense of what we are doing and make people want to ask "How are you going to do that’.
The tagline should focus on a pain point of our customer, not necessarily the solution we are providing. The tagline needs to focus on something people will want.
Keep it simple! “Press a button and a car comes to you in minutes.” That was 49 characters with the period and very few people will come away from that with radically different ideas. They may differ on its ultimate potential or possibilities but they will understand what your product does from day one. You need to survive day one to get to day two.
Another example, marketplace to hire professional service providers.
Omega Destiny Accelerator
Omega Destiny Accelerator developed a new model of Startup funding. We enroll a large number of Startups, groom them for funding, then market them to sponsors using a draft. The Startups that are drafted by Sponsors receive a small amount of direct funding. Majority of the sponsor dollars are used to aggressively market the drafted Startups for additional funding. But Omega does not end when the Startups are funded. We continue to help the Startups for the life of the company.
Sponsors earn equity and fees by supporting their favorite Business Startups. During draft week, Sponsors receive information about that month’s cohort of Business Startups. Sponsors will select their favorite Business Startups. We use our Draft Algorithm to award Business Startups to Sponsors.
-Angel Investing has massive return potential
-All of our companies are pre-screened, monitored, and advised by our team
Omega Accelerator Collective, led by Ren Carlton
-Purchase a sponsorship package
-Choose the Startups you like during a draft week
-You are awarded a Startup through our Draft Algorithm
-As your Startup meets funding targets, you receive fees and equity
-You also receive matching equity in Omega Destiny Accelerator, so if your business fails you still have equity in all the other Startups
Virtual, you can participate anywhere remotely
Sponsorship packages are now available, please message us for additional information, info@omegaaccelerator.com
Investor Status Privileges
Virtual, you can participate anywhere remotely
Sponsorship packages are now available, please message us for additional information, info@omegaaccelerator.com
-Draft Priority
-Higher Equity Match Multiplier
-Advisory position preference
Equity Kicker Multiplier: Please request additional information
Why - 3 more reasons to sponsor startups
-$250,000 invested in Google in 1998 = $1.6 billion in 2019
-$10,000 investment in Uber in 2010 = $127 million in 2015
-$100 investment in Bitcoin in 2010 = $28 million in 2017
Are you looking for investors for your business, contact us today, funding@omegaaccelerator.com.
Are you interested in angel investing and helping us fund early-stage businesses? Email info@OmegaAccelerator.com.
Disclaimer: This does not constitute an offer to sell, a solicitation of an offer to buy, or a recommendation of any security or any other product or service. We are not offering any legal, investment, tax, or medical advice. Please consult the appropriate professional before doing anything you learn from the content posted on any of our digital properties. All stories are based on true events, but are altered to protect the identity of the individuals involved.
All offers will be contingent upon passing our due diligence process.
Disclaimer: This does not constitute an offer to sell, a solicitation of an offer to buy, or a recommendation of any security or any other product or service. We are not offering any legal, investment, tax, or medical advice. Please consult the appropriate professional before doing anything you learn from the content posted on any of our digital properties. All stories are based on true events, but are altered to protect the identity of the individuals involved.
All offers will be contingent upon passing our due diligence process.