Thursday, May 11, 2023
Omega Legacy Accelerator Launching in Pittsburgh
Saturday, April 1, 2023
Ryan Carlton Interviews Ren Carlton - Marital Arts, Religion, Entrepreneurship, Growing up in Hamtramck, and Chess
This week I had the honor of being interviewed by my son Ryan. We discuss Marital Arts, Religion, Entrepreneurship, Growing up in Hamtramck, and Chess
Are you interested in investing time or money into any of our businesses,
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Disclaimer: This is only for informational and discussion purposes. This does not constitute an offer to sell, a solicitation of an offer to buy, or a recommendation of any security or any other product or service. We are not offering any legal, investment, tax, or medical advice.
The moment a person turns from his sin and trusts in Jesus to be forgiven of his sin, he is saved, Acts 2:37-41
Thursday, January 5, 2023
Omega Destiny Accelerator Nashville is Now Accepting Applications
We are looking for 100 of the hottest business startups in Nashville and the surrounding area to join Omega Destiny Accelerator! Omega helps founders grow faster by investing time, money, and technology.
About Nashville
Ranked one of the best cities to start a small business 2022,Tennessee's state capitol and Vanderbilt University are both located in Nashville. The Grand Ole Opry House, the location of the renowned "Grand Ole Opry" stage and radio program, is one of the most illustrious country music venues. Downtown is home to the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum, the historic Ryman Auditorium, the Johnny Cash Museum. There are about 700,000 people living there.
Click Here to Apply Now
Are you interested in investing time or money into any of our businesses,
Are you interested in promoting your product or service to our audience, contact
Disclaimer: This is only for informational and discussion purposes. This does not constitute an offer to sell, a solicitation of an offer to buy, or a recommendation of any security or any other product or service. We are not offering any legal, investment, tax, or medical advice.
Wednesday, October 19, 2022
Live Pitch for Funding/ 10/19/22
Thursday, October 13, 2022
Live Pitch for Funding / 10/13/22
Wednesday, September 28, 2022
Live Pitch for Funding / 9/28/22
Tuesday, August 16, 2022
Live Pitch for Funding/ 08/16/22
Monday, August 15, 2022
One-Page Executive Summary for Finding Investors - Updated and Simplified
Thursday, August 11, 2022
Soft vs. Hard Launches, Varsity Gems Upcoming launch, Business Startup Challenges, and More!
Thursday, August 4, 2022
Ren Carlton, Thomas Coke, and Scott Whitfield discuss the preparing for fundraising for Spiritz of America
Tuesday, July 20, 2021
Build Your List of Potential Investors, Pitch Investors Properly, How Kevin Systrom Raised $500,000 in Two Weeks to Launch Instagram
Tuesday, June 22, 2021
Why Competition Is Good For Entrepreneurs and How Blockbuster’s $50 Million Mistake Helped Reed Hastings and Netflix Destroy a $6 Billion Empire
Tuesday, May 4, 2021
What Kind of Business Should You Start? – How Mark Zuckerberg Pivoted From Rating Hotness to Facebook
Thursday, May 7, 2020
Hunting Unicorns - Investing in the Right Founders - Bet on the Jockey, Not on the Horse - Ren Cartlon
When it comes to investing in startups, it is all about the founders
There is a saying, bet the jockey, not the horse
What founders do to encourage our investments, and what others do that scare us away
- Impatient vs. Patient
- Arrogance vs. Confident
- Difficult vs. Cooperative
- Annoying vs. Responsive
- Scattered vs. Focused
- Evasive vs. Direct
- Shady vs. Honest
- Unprofessional vs. Impressive
- Rude vs. Polite
- No Personal Financial Investment vs. Committed
- Entitled vs. Grateful
Are you looking for investors for your business, contact us today,
Are you interested in angel investing and helping us fund early-stage businesses? Email
Disclaimer: This does not constitute an offer to sell, a solicitation of an offer to buy, or a recommendation of any security or any other product or service. We are not offering any legal, investment, tax, or medical advice. Please consult the appropriate professional before doing anything
Friday, April 10, 2020
Hunting Unicorns - Angel Investing vs. Other Investments, Risks vs, Rewards, Ren Carlton
Now is a great time to evaluate your investment strategy and consider angel investing. When comparing angel investing to other forms of investments, here are a few things to consider:
- Liquidity, Startups are typically not liquid compared to other investments. If you need your cash quickly, this is probably not a good option for you.
- Risk of Loss, When you invest in early-stage businesses, you can lose your entire investment. This is why experienced angel investors typically have a portfolio of startups.
- Impact of Global Events and Black Swans - This varies wildly, some startups benefit during changing times, others are destroyed.
- Control and Influence - Most founders welcome help from their investors.
- Potential for Extraordinarily High Returns - It is not outside the realm of possibility for a startup investment to produce an ROI of 10X, 100X, or even more.
Potential High Risks, Potential High Rewards
Let's assume a well-balanced portfolio of startup investments is targeted to yield of an IRR (internal rate of return) of 25%. This is a cash-on-cash return of approximately 3X over 5 years, 9X over 10 years. Again, obviously returns are never guaranteed and it is possible to lose all your investment.
Let's also assume you invest $5,000 and let it sit untouched for 30 years. There is a huge difference in your potential ROI:
Bank, 1% = $6,739
CDs, Money Markets, Bonds, 5% = $21,610
S&P 500, Large Cap Stocks, 10% = $87,000
Real Estate, 15% = $331,000
Here are some examples of unicorns and their returns:
$250,000 invested in Google in 1998, worth $1.6 billion in 2019
$10,000 investment in Uber in 2010, worth $127 million in 2015
$100 investment in Bitcoin in 2010, worth $28 million in 2017
Wednesday, April 8, 2020
Is Now a Good Time to Invest? Angel Investing and More During Corona Virus, COVID-19, Ren Cartlon
Is Now a Good Time to Invest?
Most investment advisors will tell you it is impossible to time the market.
The efficient market hypothesis states that all stocks are always perfectly priced because of the availability of information. Today, this is mostly because of the internet.
Are their investment deals out there?
Here are my thoughts.
-Real estate, based on my research, pricing has not been greatly affected yet. This may be due to a combination of the time-of-year and stimulus money. I think there will be some interesting real estate investment opportunities coming soon.
-Restaurants, I heard that anywhere from 10%-30% of restaurants are expected to close because of the Covid-19 quarantine. Once things return back to normal, it may be time to purchase one of these businesses if you dreamed about owning a restaurant.
-Sports and entertainment, I think it will be a while before any large groups of people pack into any close-quarter venue.
-Startups are being greatly impacted. Corona will likely serve a death blow to businesses already on the brink of failing.
One of the worst stories I have heard so far is from a company that raised over $300,000 from over 1,000 investors on a crowdfunding platform before Corona hit. Because of the impact of Covid-19 impact on this business, the crowdfunding platform refused to release the money and has suggested that they may have to give the money back.
The Good News?
Survivors will likely be rewarded by the elimination of competitors.
We are also promoting our White-Knight Accelerator to help good businesses that are being struggling because of Covid 19. Contact us today for more information or if you would like to be involved.
As always If you like this content, please share this with three friends and smash that like button.
Contact us today if you want to raise capital for your business,
Are you interested in helping businesses while enjoying the potential high returns of angel investing? Email
Click here if you would like me to consider investing in your business. If I do not personally invest, I will give you specific tips for finding funding. Unlimited follow-up meetings. 100% satisfaction guaranteed.
Disclaimer: This does not constitute an offer to sell, a solicitation of an offer to buy, or a recommendation of any security or any other product or service. We are not offering any legal, investment, tax, or medical advice. Please consult the appropriate professional before doing anything you learn from the content posted on any of our digital properties. All stories are based on true events, but are altered to protect the identity of the individuals involved.
Saturday, March 28, 2020
Covid-19 Help for Small Business - Calculate Your Stimulus Check - Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act - Stimulus Check Calculator
Covid-19 Assistance - Stimulus Check Calculator - $2.2 trillion rescue package
Click here to use the online calculator to find out how much you could get from the federal government as part of the relief package.
Covid-19 Help for Small Business
A $350 billion forgivable loan program designed to ensure that small businesses do not lay off employeesA 50% refundable payroll tax credit on worker wages will further incentivize businesses, including ones with fewer than 500 employees, to retain workers
Looser net operating loss-reduction rules that will allow businesses to offset more
A delay in employer-side payroll taxes for Social Security until 2021 and 2022
Sole proprietors and other self-employed workers could be eligible for the expanded unemployment-insurance benefits the bill provides
A portion of the $425 billion in funds appropriated for the Federal Reserve’s credit facilities will target small businesses
Click here to learn about some of the tax relief available for both businesses and individuals.
Click here to apply for disaster relief loans.
Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act
Click here to read F.A.Q. on Stimulus Checks, Unemployment and the Coronavirus Plan.Click here to read the $2 Trillion Coronavirus Relief Bill - Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act.
What Appears to be Missing From the Federal Disaster Package
Independent contractors and gig economy workers may not be able to delay payments on self-employment taxes.It appears there are no benefits specifically for helping healthcare workers. There is also nothing included specifically designed to help people start new businesses.
Am I Missing Anything?
Is there other money out there designed to help small business? If so, message me so I can add it to this article.Are you looking for investors for your business, contact us today,
Are you interested in angel investing and helping us fund early-stage businesses? Email
Click here if you would like me to personally consider investing in your business. If I do not personally invest, I will give you specific tips for finding funding. Unlimited follow-up meetings. 100% satisfaction guaranteed.
Disclaimer: This does not constitute an offer to sell, a solicitation of an offer to buy, or a recommendation of any security or any other product or service. We are not offering any legal, investment, tax, or medical advice. Please consult the appropriate professional before doing anything you learn from the content posted on any of our digital properties. All stories are based on true events, but are altered to protect the identity of the individuals involved.
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Why the Coronavirus May Not Be Bad for Your Investments or Business - Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act
During the last 30 days, the DJIA reached it's record high of almost 30,000. It has also lost over 20% in value during some violent swings down because of all the concerns around the Coronavirus. Some claim that the recent volatility has erased over $7 trillion in wealth in the last 30 days.
Why the Coronavirus May Not Be Bad for Investments
If you look at history, epidemics are typically good for investments. The markets actually recover much quicker than you would think.
Take SARS for example. SARS resulted in a total of about 8,100 people being sickened during the 2003 outbreak, with 774 people dying, according to data from WHO and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Separately, the S&P 500 rose 11.66% in the roughly six months following reports of the 2006 Avian flu virus — a fast-moving pathogen also known as H5N1. The market gained 18.36% in the following 12-month period.
Data are similar for equity performance across the globe based on data from Charles Schwab, tracking the MSCI All Countries World Index 892400, -3.64%. The index has gained an average 0.4% in the month after an epidemic, 3.1% in the ensuing six-month period and 8.5% a year later (see graphic below):
SARS, Avian Flu, Swine Flu, and Measels all produced significant market gains as quickly as 3 months after the initial outbreak.
My comments:
- $7 trillion in wealth in the last 30 days was erased? Nothing was erased, the stock market is a zero-sum game. Wealth is neither created nor destroyed, it is transferred.
- Punctuated by recent events, I would argue that angel investing is actually less risky than investing in publicly traded stocks. I would also argue that entrepreneurship is less risky than working for someone else. I will be hitting both of these topics hard in future videos.
Are you looking for investors for your business, contact us today,
Are you interested in angel investing and helping us fund early-stage businesses? Email
Click here if you would like me to personally consider investing in your business. If I do not personally invest, I will give you specific tips for finding funding. Unlimited follow-up meetings. 100% satisfaction guaranteed.
Disclaimer: This does not constitute an offer to sell, a solicitation of an offer to buy, or a recommendation of any security or any other product or service. We are not offering any legal, investment, tax, or medical advice. Please consult the appropriate professional before doing anything you learn from the content posted on any of our digital properties. All stories are based on true events, but are altered to protect the identity of the individuals involved.
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Stranded in the Desert – The Biggest Challenge to Finding Your First Investor or Lead Investor
Previously, I talked about where to find your lead investor.
What works for me and what doesn't.
Today I’m talking about the biggest challenge you must overcome to find a lead investor
Picture this,
You have been stranded in a dessert for three days with a group of 100 people.
You are out of water and everyone is thirsty.
You finally come across a tent. In the tent there is a guy with water.
Unfortunately, this guy only has one glass of water.
He is willing to give this glass of water to one person.
Here is the challenge...
How are you going to get that glass of water?
This is the challenge you must overcome to find your lead investor.
The odds are tough. Less than 1% of business ever raise any outside capital.
There are specific tactics that I use to level the playing field offset this huge disadvantage. We will discuss some of those tactics in later videos.
Click here to learn how I found the first investor for one of my startups.
If you like this content, please share this content and video with your network and smash that like button.
Thank you for joining me, I will talk to you soon!
Are you looking for investors for your business? Contact us today,
Are you interested in angel investing and helping us fund early-stage businesses? Email
Click here if you would like me to personally consider investing in your business. If I do not personally invest, I will give you specific tips for finding funding for your business. 100% satisfaction guaranteed or your money back.
Disclaimer: This does not constitute an offer to sell, a solicitation of an offer to buy, or a recommendation of any security or any other product or service. We are not offering any legal, investment, tax, or medical advice. Please consult the appropriate professional before doing anything you learn from the content posted on any of our digital properties. All stories are based on true events, but are altered to protect the identity of the individuals involved.
Friday, February 28, 2020
What is a Tagline? Win $100 plus an invitation to our exclusive pre-launch party for the Omega Destiny Accelerator - Happy Friday Funday!

Ideas will be accepted via email or direct messaging until 3 PM on Monday, March 2, 2020, Eastern Standard Time. Email your ideas to or direct message Ren Carlton on social media.
If two people submit the same idea, the first person that messaged me their idea wins.
Send your ideas early and often, enter as many times as you wish.
What is a Tagline?
A Tagline describe the company in 50 characters or lessSimple English, no marketing jargon. It should provide a compelling sense of what we are doing and make people want to ask "How are you going to do that’.
The tagline should focus on a pain point of our customer, not necessarily the solution we are providing. The tagline needs to focus on something people will want.
Keep it simple! “Press a button and a car comes to you in minutes.” That was 49 characters with the period and very few people will come away from that with radically different ideas. They may differ on its ultimate potential or possibilities but they will understand what your product does from day one. You need to survive day one to get to day two.
Another example, marketplace to hire professional service providers.
Omega Destiny Accelerator
Virtual, you can participate anywhere remotely
Sponsorship packages are now available, please message us for additional information,
Are you looking for investors for your business, contact us today,
Are you interested in angel investing and helping us fund early-stage businesses? Email
Disclaimer: This does not constitute an offer to sell, a solicitation of an offer to buy, or a recommendation of any security or any other product or service. We are not offering any legal, investment, tax, or medical advice. Please consult the appropriate professional before doing anything you learn from the content posted on any of our digital properties. All stories are based on true events, but are altered to protect the identity of the individuals involved.
All offers will be contingent upon passing our due diligence process.