Tuesday, April 9, 2024

TremorGuard - Discreet and non-invasive system to help you move the way you move to move


We offer a system that helps users battle the adverse effects of movement disorders.

The Problem we Solve

Movement disorders can be debilitating, humiliating, and deadly. Current treatment options include medications with nasty side effects, risky surgeries with inconsistent results, and bulky medical equipment that screams to everyone in the room “Hey look at me, I am disabled!”  

Our Solution

We offer a discreet, non-invasive system to help users offset the adverse effects of disorders, disease, and aging on movement. Our system offers users a way to take back control of their movement and make incremental improvements towards the results they desire at their own pace.

We offer three categories of assistance. 
  • Detection - identify and notify user of muscle weakness and involuntary movements in real time to prevent accidents and embarrassing situations 
  • Strengthen - activities that strengthen the mind, body, and spirit, 
  • Protection- deploy technologies to combat movement challenges as they occur, including vibration, nerve stimulation, audio/visual cues, fall guards, exoskeletons, etc. 

Market Potential

It is estimated that 42 million people suffer from some form of movement disorder in the U.S. These include the following challengers. 
  • Parkinson's disease 
  • Tremor
  • Dystonia
  • Dyskinesia
  • Freezing Gait
  • Huntington's Disease  
  • Restless leg syndrome
  • Ataxia Myoclonus
  • Tourette’s syndrome and tics


  • Ren Carlton, advisor, entrepreneur and investor
  • Ron Cocquyt, advisor, entrepreneur and healthcare inventor with an exit
  • Sandra Defilippi, RN, advisor, entrepreneur and investor
  • Dr. Jack Kartush, advisor, entrepreneur, surgeon, and healthcare inventor with an exit 
  • Dr. Chris Orow, advisor, entrepreneur and doctor of physical therapy 
  • Brad Slomka, advisor and entrepreneur
  • Ashton Stoop, advisor, biomedical engineer, entrepreneur, and healthcare inventor with an exit 

What’s Next?

Build our founding team to accelerate progress, contact us for more information Info@OmegaSeedFund.com

Continue evaluating existing technologies that we may include in our system, please contact us if you have a technology you want us to consider OmegaSeedFund.com

Launch version 1.0 of our MVP to star building our tribe and brand awareness, email Invest@OmegaSeedFund.com to learn how you can support our efforts

 Join Our Fight Today!

We are looking for advisors, active/passive investors, and businesses interested in joining our fight against movement disorders please email us for more information, Info@OmegaSeedFund.com

Would you like to invest time or money into business startups pursuing extraordinarily high returns, Invest@OmegaSeedFund.com

Need funding? Email us information about your business, Funding@OmegaSeedFund.com

Message Opportunities@OmegaSeedFund.com if you are interested in promoting your business to our audience and portfolio companies, 30,000+ and growing…

Sources and AI Assistance


www.healimedical.com, @healimedical


Disclaimer: This is only for entertainment, informational, and discussion purposes. This does not constitute an offer to sell, a solicitation of an offer to buy, or a recommendation of any security or any other product or service. We are not offering any legal, investment, tax, or medical advice. 

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever
Hebrews 13:8

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